Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ovid Book XV

MYSCELUS:     The son of Alemon follows Hercules' instrutction and constructs a town.
PYTHAGORAS:      A wise man who warned against killing and eating animals--"For all things change, but no thing dies."
NUMA:      A follower of Pythagoras teaches his Latin state the arts of peace.

EGERIA & HIPPOLYTUS:      Numa's wife cannot be consoled by learning of other's anguish and she continues to cry until she is turned into an eternal spring.
TAGES:     A clod turns into a man who teaches people to read the future.
CIPUS:      A man is ashamed of his horns and cannot enter the city but are given land outside of it.
AESCULAPIUS:     Apollo's son can transform into a snake and stops at the Island to make his shrine and brought good health.

CAESAR:      The great ruler cannot be spared from human plots but is taken up into the sky and can still look down on his son.
EPILOGUE:    Nothing can stop Ovid from being immortalized; writing gives him life--"I shall have life!"

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