Monday, November 1, 2010

Ovid's Metamorphoses Book VIII

SCYLLA, NISUS, MINOS:     Out of love a daughter betrays her father and loses the war to Minos, who rejects the girl as both of the betrayed turn to birds.
DAEDALUS, THE MINOTAUR, THESEUS, ARIADNE:     The haughty king neglects to sacrifice all the bulls and is punished a half-bull son who he locks away until Theseus with help from the king's own daughter slays him.
DAEDALUS & ICARUS:    The father creates wings but the naiive son flies too close and falls to his death.
DAEDALUS & PERDIX:     The nephew was proving to be a better innovator so Daedalus pushed him to his death, but he was spared and turned into a bird who is afraid to fly too high.
THE CALYDONIAN HUNT:     Diana's wrath has a huge boar killing hunters but Atalanta and Meleager kill the beast.
ALTHAEA & MELEAGER:       A mother wants vengeance against a son for killing his brothers so burns the symbol of his life and then kills herself as the daughter mourn and turn to guinea-hens.
THESEUS & ACHELOUS:     The river God begs Theseus to rest for the night.
THE ECHINADES & PERIMELE:     The river God turned 5 nymphs who had forgotten to invite him to a party to islands and a sixth is his lost love whose father threw her from a cliff.
BAUCIS & PHILEMON:     An old couple gives shelter to Gods in disguise and become priests of the temple and then die together and become trees.
ERYSICHTHON'S SIN:     A stupid man cuts down a sacred tree of Ceres and another who tried to stop him.
ERYSICHTHON & FAMINE:      Ceres calls upon Famine to curse the sinner, making him always want more.
ERYSICHTHON'S DAUGHTER:     She gets sold for her father's addiction but changes shape to deceive her masters.
ACHELOUS:     The river-god reminds the group of how he can change shapes as well and shows his missing horn.

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