Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ovid's Metamorphoses Book 2

* Now I know that we are only supposed to choose 5 of the outlines and write a sentence, but choosing the particular 5 is too difficult so I opted to just do the entire book. but you may choose to only read 5!

PHAETHON:      Some promises are deadly to keep and the entire world suffers at a boy's ignorance and bad driving skills.
THE HELIADES:     Mourning sisters of Phaethon turn to trees that drip amber as tears.
CYCNUS:     Kin of Phaethon also went to mourn and became a swan; moral is Don't Mourn for Phaethon.
PHOEBUS:     Mourning his son's death throws a hissy fit and refuses to do his work, spitefully blaming the other Gods.
CALLISTO:      Beautiful virgin is tricked and raped by Jove and then banished for getting pregnant and Hera's wrath transforms her to a bear.
ARCAS:    Callisto's son and Mother Bear are taken up into the sky as constellations and never to return.
THE RAVEN:       This talkative bird loses his color due to the peacocks newly addition of eyes.
CORONIS, THE RAVEN, THE CROW, NYCTIMENE:       A bunch of women are turned into birds after engaging in sex, some willing some forced; and the raven gets a black outfit for instigating Apollo to kill the unfaithful Coronis.
OCYRHOE:     A daughter who knows to much should have kept her mouth shut before turning into a horse.
BATTUS:      Mercury steels some cattle and an old man lies about keeping the secret and becomes stone.
MERCURY, HERSE, AGLAUROS:          Envy turns the wicked sister to stone.
EUORPA & JOVE:     Zeus takes the form of a bull to lure the innocent virgin away.

Rembrandt Europa.jpg

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